Varieties of this community are typical on southern acidic mid slopes of the Bluestone Gorge. A fast moving drainage is located 30 m below the plot. Above the plot 10 m is a small shaley looking out crop. Around the hill the community changes to Pinus virginiana (see point A072821A.cor). Above the plot there is a small patch of
hemlock (see BLUE.37).;Fire scars found on the larger T2 trees. Most of the trees have a downhill lean. The soil here is dry, shallow and acidic. Deer trails meander along the slope.
Small Patch of the oak - hickory matrix. The T2 is dominated by Quercus prinus. There is very little Carya in the plot. Juniperus virginiana and Pinus strobus are both found in small amounts in the T3, S1, and S2 layers. There is Acer saccharum found in m